28th session - Prague, 2024
- Save the date
- Call for papers, info
- Overview, Praha (Prague) 14.-18. 5. 2024
- Program
- Country reports
- Croatia
- Czechia
- Hungary
- Poland
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Ukraine
- Other presentations
- Brázdil, Land Survey Office
- Steinerová, 3. UNGEGN Session
- Švehlová, Information from session and virtual meetings within UNGEGN
- Watanabe, WG on Exonyms
- Liščák, Macau - history and changes of the name(s)
- Bölcskei, Mikésy, Czechs in Hungary
- Miklušová, Highly accurate and detailed digital terrain model and its use in the field of geographical names
- Geršič, Online Atlas of the Field Names
- Brnot, Storage and data management of geographical names in Slovenia
- Jordan, The difficult approach towards a decision/resolution on exonyms as parts of the cultural heritage
- Crljenko, Collecting, storing, and publishing of Croatian exonyms
- Kronus, Collections of the Central Surveying Archive
27th session - New York, 2023
26th session - Prague, 2022
- Invitation
- Save the date
- Call for papers
- General information
- Information about venue
- Program
- Recording of the meeting
- Photo
- Country reports
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Czechia
- Hungary
- Poland
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Other presentations
- Švehlová, Inaugural Meeting of UNGEGN
- Švehlová, Geographical names from Czechia
- Zagórski, Geographical Names of Czechia on the Ottoman Map from 1914
- Sasi, The Problems of Minority Language Settlement Names in Hungary
- Porubčanová, Geographical names management
- Zaccheddu, Brnot, UNGEGN’s Programme of Work on geographical names data management findings, challenges and obstacles
- Liščák, Hainan, Zhuya, Qiongya, or Qiongzhou Island? Historical changes of names of the largest China’s island
- Stani-Fertl, The Open Gazetteer of EuroGeographics and Exonyms
- Jordan, How to reconcile UN resolutions on exonyms and on place names as cultural heritage
25th session - Bratislava (online), 2021
24th session - New York (online), 2021
23rd session - New York, 2019
22nd session - Bratislava, 2019
21th session - Ljubljana, 2015
20th session - Zagreb, 2011
19th session - Zagreb, 2008
18th session - Prague, 2007
17th session - Prague, 2003
16th session - Ljubljana, 2001
15th session - Ljubljana, 1999
14th session - Budapest, 1997
13th session - Budapest, 1996
12th session - Budapest, 1993
11th session - Bratislava, 1992
10th session - Prague, 1991
9th session - Bratislava, 1989
8th session - Sofia, 1987
7th session - Sofia, 1983
6th session - Zagreb, 1982
5th session - Warsaw, 1981
4th session - Warsaw, 1979
3th session - Budapest, 1977
2th session - Budapest, 1975
1th session - Prague, 1971